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AI Sales Copilot - trained on your documents, emails, calls, and CRM data

We gather insights from your company's sales interactions, internal documents, and conversations with your team and clients, enabling you to tailor your approach for optimal engagement with each individual client.


Boost conversions and personalize communication

Improve sales by fixing content issues, accessing knowledge, getting support, and creating custom messages.

  • Sales Content Quality Score

    Improve conversion rates by identifying and addressing weaknesses in your sales content, ensuring your messaging is always effective and engaging.

    Sales Content Quality Score
  • AI-powered internal sales chat

    Get instant answers to sales queries from an AI trained on your company's data.

    AI-powered internal sales chat
  • Knowledge Base

    We're using your company's data, salesbook, deals history and communication history with the clients to personilize the content.

    Knowledge Base
  • Customizable AI Voice for Sales

    Craft tailored communication by selecting from various sales voice styles, allowing the AI to generate content that aligns with the desired tone and approach.

    Customizable AI Voice for Sales

Personalized Sales Content with AI

Simplify sales cycles, enhance customer engagement, and unlock actionable insights.

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    Outreach content

    Generate customized outreach content, improving engagement and response rates.

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    Create detailed and tailored proposals, addressing specific client needs and pain points.

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    Meetings scripts and agendas

    Develop personalized meeting scripts and agendas, ensuring structured and client-focused discussions.


We process data from documents, chats,
video meetings (transcriptions), CRM systems, and so on

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How does that works

Our content is personalized and tailored to your client's needs.

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    Sales AI Model

    Our trained model, specifically for sales, from top sales executives.

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    Playbook, product information, deals, and communications history with clients.

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    Personalized sales content

    In our app and other systems like HubSpot, Salesforce, etc., via API.

Loved by the best professionals around the world

  • Mayank Yadav
    Mayank YadavDirector of Product

    There is a clear value prop. A gap exists, where everyone is solving problems in their own silo. You're building an electric car, but we're driving a horse cart right now.

  • Maria Kitaygora
    Maria KitaygoraStrategic Enterprise Account Executive

    I really like what the VOL AI team is offering for sales. Sales enablement is one of the key things to building a really performing sales team, and one of the challenges is to adapt to rapid market changes when it comes to product, competition, customers, and market priorities to keep the sales teams agile and informed.


Everything you need to know

Here are the most questions people always ask about.

  • What types of data do you process?

    We primarily focus on scattered and unstructured data. This includes processing text documents, PDFs, chat logs, video meetings, phone calls, and deal/client cards in CRMs like HubSpot or Salesforce.

  • How secure is your data storage?

    Our data is stored on AWS, complying with all requirements and encrypted with 256-bit AES encryption. Client and sandbox databases are physically separated. Our employees never have access to your databases, ensuring a high level of security and privacy for your data.

  • Is it possible to connect custom data sources?

    Yes, we are currently working on integrating all popular data sources. If you have a specific integration in mind or use case suggestions, please reach out to us for review. For now, our API is private and will be publicly available by 2024. In certain cases, we can manually integrate your internal data source on the Enterprise plan.